Locals on locals 25/06/09

Mio marito has had a big moan about how he gave up everything to come here to be badly treated by mafiosi and work with provincial staff who argue with customers and have nothing to say of interest. How there is no brain stimulation and no thanks. He tried to involve me in his decline, but I don't want to upset the effort I am making to get on with his family, his friends, the staff, and all the customers, nasty and otherwise who come here. It isn’t my country, there is a huge culture shock here of getting used to the total lack of rules and the parallel obscene rigidity about adhering to others, the bloodthirsty authority figures hounding us for fines and money, the ignorant people who snarl at us when we say they can’t smoke inside. I am putting up with all this, and I have NO ONE here, no friends, no family, no one to offload with. I usually find it easier to find interesting people to hang out with in new places. But here is an exception, plus there is a sense that you can’t trust anyone. I need an English speaker who is in a similar situation, because I would be afraid of offending a local.

Spent time in the kitchen last night ; the aiuto cuoco and the cuoca went on about the locals; they are are all for show, got to have the designer gear on even if they don’t have a cent to their name. All about appearances, sunbed tan, designer clothes, sports car. That people are very arrogant and if they had some money or designer clothes this made them feel superior! The aiuto cuoco had seen the scene with the girl last weekend who wouldn’t stop smoking inside and was so rude to me. He said I know who she is, she is bad news, always was. Comes from a well off family but she was ugly and no one would go out with her. So she had the face and boobs done and now with her newly cosmetic face she thinks she is better than everyone else! I noticed there was something hard about her face. Aha, the silicone. They also warned that everyone knows everyone else's business. but that happens in any small town.



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